World's first triple-SIM technology for 3G android smartphones on July 27, 2013 android ELECTROSTUFFS gadgets +
Neptune's 14th moon - S/2004 N 1 discovered on July 16, 2013 M Showalter Neptune's 14th moon s/2004 N 1 +
OnBeat-Solar Headphones that can charge a gadget. on July 14, 2013 headphone to charge smartphones OnBeat solar headphones +
Lernstift - A pen that helps make your writing legible and free from grammatical errors on July 13, 2013 german pen help improve english Lernstift vibrating pen +
LG brings out its new thinnest HD LCD display on July 13, 2013 HD LCD LG G2 display World's thinnest LCD dispay +
A all-optic switch controlled by a single photon on July 07, 2013 all-optic switch cesium atoms optic transistor switch quantum computers +
We use gesture all time we communicate, even on phone? on July 06, 2013 andrew bass fish brain Gesture why do we gesture +
Octopus inspired silent propeller system for water vehicles on July 06, 2013 fraunhofer institute new propeller octopus inspired propeller system +