>> run powershell
Include starter file
>>django-admin startproject < your project name >
This will create a folder with your project name in the user directory
Include starter file
>>django-admin startproject < your project name >
This will create a folder with your project name in the user directory
Always never try to edit the manage.py
manage.py helps to create the database, create user etc.
settings.py >> these files are configurations required for the website
urls.py >> table of contents for the website
wsgi.py>> webserver GUI
Above created website will look like a small webserver. In order to launch it follow these steps
Change directory to web project
cd .\programmedgeek
run server using following command >>> python manage.py runserver
Command prompt will display the URL for the server
In my case it is
Type the same in the browser to launch the server
You will see the above success
message !
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