VHDL Code for Gray code to Binary converter

What is Gray code?

 These codes are usually used in digital communication or encrypting purpose.

How to Convert Gray Code to Binary Code ?

we can convert Gray code to binary using following expression 

b3 = g3
b2 = b3 ⊕ g2
b1 = b2 ⊕ g1
b0 = b1 ⊕ g0

Block schematic for conversion :

Truth table :


--VHDL code to convert Gray code to binary --
--Library declaration--
library ieee;
--Entity named GrayToBin declaration--

entity GrayToBin is

--g is the Graycode input
g:in bit_vector(3 downto 0);
--b is the binary output
b:out bit_vector(3 downto 0)
end GrayToBin;

--Architecture of GrayToBinn
architecture dataflow of GrayToBin is
--Assigning value to output using 
b(2)<=g(3) xor g(2);
b(1)<=g(3) xor g(2) xor g(1);
b(0)<=g(3) xor g(2) xor g(1) xor g(0);

end dataflow;

Output :

If you have any doubt on the above code or you need further assistance please comment below :)


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