Facebook to come up with Chat room - 'Host Chat'

Facebook to come up with Chat room codenamed- 'Host Chat'

The Social networking giant FACEBOOK having a huge impact by becoming a part of social life of almost all is now going to come up with a new feature that will permit users to host a chat room that anyone else having a Facebook account can join to without needing an invite from any and is similar to group chat currently available. Facebook is said to have named it as Host Chat .The news of user having created a chat room will be put out in the news feed by default. This is considered to be in response to Google's Hangout that allows video group chat while Facebook's messenger app too is holding lot of rivals.

However in this Host Chat, the Admin will be able to change the privacy accordingly to keep chat room open for the required ,even for friends of user's friends or to public or only to few friends. Admin has even permission to remove any  member anytime. This feature is currently under test and is expected to be rolled out soon. So be ready to get involved with your friends in it.
